DEPRECATED", !empty($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])?$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']:'no referrer'); ?> var acwebconnecting_traffic = (function() { // init variables debug_mode = false; //debug_mode = true; debug_mode = false; traffic_host = ""; new_stat_id = ""; debug('NEW STAT ID = '+new_stat_id); is_ready = false; new_session = false; stat_id = null; date_now = new Date(); date_old = date_now.getTime()-(24*3600*1000); date_cookie = date_now.getTime()+(90*24*3600*1000); date_session = new Date(date_now.getFullYear(), date_now.getMonth(), date_now.getDate()+1, 0, 0, 0); forceJQuery = 0; // function initJQuery() { if (typeof(jQuery) == 'undefined' || forceJQuery || $().jquery < '1.5.0') { debug('Load JQuery JS'); document.write(""); } } // function initSWFObject() { if (typeof(swfobject) == 'undefined') { debug('Load SWFObject JS'); document.write(""); } } // function initColorMaker() { if (typeof(colormaker) == 'undefined') { debug('Load ColorMaker JS'); document.write(""); } } // function initACWebconnecting() { if (typeof(get_from_acwebconnecting) == 'undefined') { debug('Load ACWebconnecting JS'); document.write(""); } } // function check_external_functions() { is_ready = typeof(jQuery) == 'undefined' || typeof(swfobject) == 'undefined' || typeof(colormaker) == 'undefined' || typeof(get_from_acwebconnecting) == 'undefined' ? false : true; debug('Is ready : '+(is_ready ? "OK" : "KO"), 'info'); debug('Check JQuery loaded : '+(typeof(jQuery) == 'undefined' ? 'KO' : 'OK'), typeof(jQuery) == 'undefined' ? 'warn' : 'debug'); debug('Check SWFObject loaded : '+(typeof(swfobject) == 'undefined' ? 'KO' : 'OK'), typeof(swfobject) == 'undefined' ? 'warn' : 'debug'); debug('Check ColorMaker loaded : '+(typeof(colormaker) == 'undefined' ? 'KO' : 'OK'), typeof(colormaker) == 'undefined' ? 'warn' : 'debug'); debug('Check ACWebconnecting loaded : '+(typeof(get_from_acwebconnecting) == 'undefined' ? 'KO' : 'OK'), typeof(get_from_acwebconnecting) == 'undefined' ? 'warn' : 'debug'); } // function initFlashDetect() { if (typeof(FlashDetect) == 'undefined') { debug('Load FlashDetect JS'); document.write(""); } } /* * include another js file * */ function include(src, attributes) { try { attributes = attributes || {}; attributes.type = "text/javascript"; attributes.src = src; var script = document.createElement("script"); for(aName in attributes) script[aName] = attributes[aName]; document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(script); return true; } catch(e) { return false; } } /* * get a cookie * */ function gcookie(name) { if(document.cookie.length>0) { start=document.cookie.indexOf(name+"="); pos = start+name.length+1; if(start!=0) { start=document.cookie.indexOf("; "+name+"="); pos = start+name.length+3; } if(start!=-1) { start=pos; end=document.cookie.indexOf(";",start); if(end==-1) { end=document.cookie.length; } return unescape(document.cookie.substring(start,end)); } } return ''; } /* * set a cookie * */ function scookie(name,value,time) { debug('SAVE COOKIE : '+name+'='+value) var expire=new Date(time); document.cookie=name+'='+escape(value)+';expires='+expire.toUTCString(); return true; } /** * This method is for Cross-site Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) POSTs * * @param string url the url to post to * @param mixed data additional data to send [optional] * @param function callback a function to call on success [optional] * @param string type the type of data to be returned [optional] */ function postCORS(url, data, callback, type) { /*debug('postCORS - url:'+url); for (var key in data) { debug('postCORS - '+key+':'+data[key]); }*/ try { // Try using jQuery to POST var jqxhr =, data, callback, type); jqxhr.error(function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown){ throw 'jQuery KO'; }) } catch(e) { // jQuery POST failed debug('postCORS - POST failed: '+e); var params = ''; for (key in data) { params = params+'&'+key+'='+encodeURIComponent(data[key]); } // Try XDR, or use the proxy if (jQuery.browser.msie && window.XDomainRequest) { // Use XDR var xdr = new XDomainRequest();"post", url); xdr.send(params); xdr.onload = function() { callback(handleXDROnload(this, type), 'success', this); }; xdr.onprogress = function(){ }; xdr.ontimeout = function(){ }; xdr.onerror = function () { }; setTimeout(function(){ try { xdr.send(); } catch(err) { } }, 0); } else { try { // Use the proxy to post the data. request = new proxy_xmlhttp();'POST', url, true); request.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); request.send(params); } catch(e) { // could not post using the proxy debug('could not post using the proxy', 'warn'); } } } } /** * Because the XDomainRequest object in IE does not handle response XML, * this function acts as an intermediary and will attempt to parse the XML and * return a DOM document. * * @param XDomainRequest xdr The XDomainRequest object * @param string type The type of data to return * * @return mixed */ function handleXDROnload(xdr, type) { var responseText = xdr.responseText, dataType = type || ""; if (dataType.toLowerCase() == "xml" && typeof responseText == "string") { // If expected data type is xml, we need to convert it from a // string to an XML DOM object var doc; try { if (window.ActiveXObject) { doc = new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLDOM'); doc.async = 'false'; doc.loadXML(responseText); } else { var parser = new DOMParser(); doc = parser.parseFromString(responseText, 'text/xml'); } return doc; } catch(e) { // ERROR parsing XML for conversion, just return the responseText } } return responseText; } // function debug(info, level) { if (debug_mode && window.console) { switch (level) { case 'debug': console.log(info); break; case 'info':; break; case 'warn': console.warn(info); break; case 'error': console.error(info); break; default: console.log(info); break; } } } // function stats_log(site_id) { debug('POST DANS LOG stat_id = '+stat_id); debug('post data for site '+site_id+' on '+document.URL, 'info'); var stat_id_save = stat_id; var flashParams = FlashDetect ; var obj = { site_id: site_id, stat_id: stat_id, url: document.URL, referrer: document.referrer, cookies: document.cookie, flash_installed: flashParams.installed, flash_raw: flashParams.raw, flash_major: flashParams.major, flash_minor: flashParams.minor, flash_revision: flashParams.revision } ; postCORS( 'http://'+traffic_host+'/stats3_log.php', obj, function(data) { debug('RETOUR STAT3_LOG.php'); debug(data); if (jQuery.parseJSON(data) == 'bad stat_id') { ec.set('stat_id', new_stat_id); } else if (data) { debug('CRC KO'); var cookies = typeof(data) == 'object' ? data : jQuery.parseJSON(data); debug("TAB COOKIES"); debug(cookies); jQuery.each(cookies, function(key, valeur) { tValue = valeur.split('{SEP}'); value = tValue[0] if (tValue.length == 2) var date = (date_now.getTime()*1)+(tValue[1]*1000); else var date = key == 'acwebconnecting_session' ? date_session : date_cookie; if (value && value != 'null' && value != '#deleted#') { scookie(key, value, date); debug('set cookie '+key+' : "'+value+'"'); } else { scookie(key, '', date_old); } }); } else { debug('CRC OK'); } if (new_session) { include('http://'+traffic_host+'/stats3_cookie.php?set_stat_id='+stat_id_save); debug('set acwebconnecting stat_id '+stat_id_save); } } ); } // Init external functions initJQuery(); initSWFObject(); initColorMaker(); initACWebconnecting(); initFlashDetect(); return { "send": function(site_id) { debug('Debut send : '+site_id); // check external functions check_external_functions(); if (!is_ready) { return false; } // stat_id from acwebconnecting get_from_acwebconnecting(); debug('From acwebconnecting stat_id : '+stat_id, 'info'); // new session if (!gcookie('acwebconnecting_session') || !stat_id) { new_session = true; debug('New session'); } // colormaker ec = new colormaker(); if (stat_id) { if (new_session) { ec.set('stat_id', stat_id); debug('set ColorMaker cookie'); } stats_log(site_id); } else { ec.get('stat_id', function(value, all_candidates) { for (var item in all_candidates) { debug(item+':'+all_candidates[item]); } if (value == undefined) { stat_id = new_stat_id; ec.set('stat_id', stat_id); debug('New stat_id : '+stat_id, 'info'); } else { stat_id = value; debug('Get stat_id : '+stat_id, 'info'); } // if (stat_id != null) { stats_log(site_id); } }); } } } }) ();